Kimberly Burk

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  • Kimberly Burk


Keeping Language Alive

Yuchi chief Felix Brown is 64 and has developed neuropathy in his feet, so he’s no longer able to stomp dance until dawn. “But I...

Protecting the Protectors

New recruits get hugs and candy bars. Deployed personnel receive ‘Freedom Boxes’ filled with toiletries and Girl Scout cookies. Returning veterans find camaraderie and comfort....

Redefining Youth

Jack Freese Attorney – Freese & March Tulsa attorney Jack Freese looks for the good in everyone. Stories about the seminal moments of his life...

Carving Out Camaraderie

Bill and Carol Payne of Broken Arrow often pack up a picnic lunch and head for the lake, where he works on a woodcarving project...

The Power of Movement

People with Parkinson’s disease benefit physically from dance and other forms of movement, which is why retired music teacher John Gerber enrolled in the Dance...

Nature’s Sugar

Lori Beth McDonald thinks honeybees are fascinating. She loves the taste of honey, is sold on its dietary benefits and enjoys creating food and skincare...

The Truth on DNA Testing

Perhaps a long-held family legend dictates that you’re descended from the medieval emperor Charlemagne. You might even have genealogical records that seem to prove it....

A Look Inside Wounded Knee

Before the 1973 siege at Wounded Knee, Native Americans had “to live the lie, and put their ‘Indian-ness’ away,” says Richard Ray Whitman, an Oklahoma...

Finance 101

Green by the Generation People who have saved and invested all their lives often find that retirement presents a new challenge, says Andy Nelson, a...

The Tulsa Mayoral Race Heats Up

Candidates looking to challenge Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum are campaigning during a summer like no other. “We are in a really challenging year in Tulsa,...