Kimberly Burk

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  • Kimberly Burk


Get Outside

Tulsa Excursions Gathering Place: Launched in September on the east bank of the Arkansas River, this is the park other cities only wish they had....

What’s in a Name?

Slaughterville was not the most elegant name for a town, local residents had to admit. Some even toyed with the idea of changing it …...

Fresh Produce on Your Doorstep

It’s no small task to provide weekly produce deliveries to 1,200 lovers of farm-fresh food, but Local Farm OK makes it happen, and co-owner Ashley...

Unimpeded by Boundaries

Retired Jenks High School football coach Allan Trimble is not from this world, according to his friend Troy Taber. “He knows where he is from...

Mission: Exoneration

Wrongful convictions are not easy to overturn, even when the defense has DNA evidence on its side. Five to seven years is a typical timetable...

On the Road to Tipperary

The Creek County community of Shamrock, some say, is nothing more than a ghost town, yet every Wednesday 50 or more kids show up for...

Honeycomb Hither

Oklahoma beekeepers wax poetically about the creatures under their stewardships. Dane Strickland, president of the Northeast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association, marvels at “how they achieve what...

Making Great Escapes

Enthusiasts call them escape rooms, but at Eleventh Hour Enigma in Tulsa, the doors aren’t locked and nobody is tied up. Instead, players work in...

Portraying a Vicious War

Oklahoma’s living history interpreters know much about Civil War battles in what was then Indian Territory. They especially want to honor the sacrifices of the...

Take a Book – Leave a Book

Sheena Ireland has lectured a child in her care about greed … but in a good way. The mother of twins baby-sits three other children...