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  • Michelle Chiapetta


Clarifying Life Through Art

[dropcap]“[/dropcap][dropcap]I[/dropcap]’ve always been interested in art,” says Charlotte Lough, 76. An artist whose bloom has come in her senior years, Lough moved to Tulsa 4½...

Broadening Horizons

[dropcap]A[/dropcap] growing trend on university campuses is to find new ways to help students prepare for a globalized economy. Oklahoma is certainly no stranger to this...

A Home Away From Home

[dropcap]You[/dropcap] might not think that student housing is a significant concern for college students. As long as they make it into their college of choice,...

Changing the Options

[dropcap]One[/dropcap] way that universities keep up with the changing times is offering coursework that fits with the needs of incoming students. When the marketplace shows...

Smart Learning

[dropcap]From[/dropcap] laptops to tablets, from smartphones to Fitbits, technology is growing ever smarter, ever faster, and ever more ubiquitous. It is also affecting college classrooms....

For the Love of the Game

[dropcap]As[/dropcap] a sport, golf is evergreen in every sense of the word. And it’s easier to get into the game than you might expect, especially...

Strong Inside and Out

[dropcap]If[/dropcap] the youth are our future, then the future looks good at Booker T. Washington High School. That’s where you’ll meet the Men of Power...