Mike Coppock

One Last Ride
[dropcap]Canyon[/dropcap] Trail may be the last film from brothers Rick and Larry Simpson, now deep into their 60s. If it is, Oklahoma will lose a...

The Ghost Wears Green
[dropcap]A[/dropcap] chilling ghost story always starts with a mysterious, gruesome murder. This is certainly the case of Avard’s Woman in Green. Mildred Anne Reynolds, formerly Anne...

From Hey-Day To Gray
[dropcap]Glimmering[/dropcap] white, the state’s grain elevators thrust upward into pale blue skies across Oklahoma, dotting her landscape with the Plains’ version of castles or cathedrals....

Green Corn Rebellion
It sounds like something straight out of a Marx Brothers movie. Hundreds of Oklahoma farmers, American Indians and African Americans, armed with shotguns and pitchforks,...