73.7 F

A Magical Sojourn

As if the breathtaking glow of Chickasha’s annual holiday Festival of Light wasn’t enough to attract visitors to the city of just over 16,000, another holiday-related enticement is causing a stir. A 50-foot-tall fiberglass recreation of the iconic leg lamp made famous in the 1983 movie A Christmas Story – complete with a black high heel and fringed lampshade –...
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), approximately 600,000 to 900,000 people in the United States have ulcerative colitis – an inflammatory bowel disease that causes sensitivity, swelling and ulcers on the inner lining of the large intestine.  “Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory condition that primarily affects the colon……the cause continues to be unknown,” says George Salem, M.D.,...
Your Financial Checklist  An end-of-year financial checklist will look a little different for everyone. This can be a great time to look at your overall financial health, goals and planning. But keeping an eye toward reducing your tax responsibilities is a major theme that should weave throughout your end-of-year review.  “Year-end is your last chance to get several financial tasks wrapped...
It is tempting to call this story “Bean Town: Peruvian-Style” in recognition of the lima bean and the role it played in Peru’s agriculture. But the city of eleven million on Peru’s west coast wasn’t named after the moon-shaped bean, after all. It was the other way around. Invading Spaniards named the beans after the Peruvian capital – and...
On April 8, Oklahomans will experience the Great North American Eclipse, which will last one hour, seven minutes and 58 seconds. As a total eclipse of the sun, the path of the solar eclipse in its totality may be viewed from Sinaloa and Coahuila, Mexico, into the Del Rio, Texas area, all the way through northeastern Maine, and into...

Giving Mad Props

Like a lot of other nostalgic adults, Tom Biolchini – a Tulsa-based banking executive and immediate past president of the Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce – made the happy discovery some time ago that he could pick up lost pieces of his childhood via the vendors on eBay. During his youth, for instance, he’d had a nice collection of...

Dig In

Rasberry mocktail spritzer, Bello Charcuterie, Tulsa; photo by Ryanne Marie Photography Phyllo cups with goat cheese pesto, Running Wild Catering, OKC All photos courtesy the caterer unless otherwise marked
When it comes to getting your financial house in order, there are many aspects to consider. Budgeting and taxes come to mind, as well as topics such as insurance, savings and spending. But one subject should top the list of important financial considerations: investing for your future. Truths vs. Myths: Investing  When it comes to investing, many people get confused or...
Although August is known for its intense heat, you don’t have to melt into a puddle like the Wicked Witch of the West every time you step outside. Oklahoma has dozens of water parks, over 200 lakes and 78,000 miles of rivers that offer a refreshing reprieve from the dog days of summer. From lounging by the pool to...
Most often, heart attacks are associated with blocked arteries. However, with MINOCA – a myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries – this isn’t the case. And it seems that women are at an increased risk.  Michael Fogli, M.D., a noninvasive cardiologist with Ascension St. John in Tulsa, explains that MINOCA is an umbrella term applied to patients who are experiencing...