Referred to as “the most underrated country in Europe,” Bosnia and Herzegovina offers much diversity. Informally called Bosnia, the country, its attractions and its landscapes are surprising. Steep villages make the drives picturesque as you venture through politically and religiously diverse areas in the Balkans. Počitelj Cresting atop a steep hill is the imposing village of Počitelj. Destroyed in war and...


The local companies you’ve come to rely upon over the years are helmed by hardworking Oklahomans who give it their all to ensureclients and patients are happy at the end of the day.  From fine dining experts to pioneers in the field of medicine, real estate pros and construction moguls, the owners and employees behind Oklahoma’s most lauded and reliable...
The bald eagle has an important and honored place in both Native American and Oklahoma history. Long before the bald eagle became the national symbol of the U.S., or before the Oklahoma state flag incorporated seven eagle feathers on its Osage buffalo skin shield, the bird of prey was a revered and sacred symbol among the Indigenous tribes that...
Horses are Stoney Stamper’s bread and butter, and it’s been that way in his family since 1905. But climbing into the saddle is also a lot of fun. “If you can spend a lot of time by yourself, out in nature, just you and your horse, that’s a pretty darned good day,” he says. Oklahomans have a love affair with horses. “Working...
Last October, visitors from a Mexican fire department traveled to Tulsa to dedicate a fountain installed at the Tulsa Fire Museum. The visit was in recognition of the decades-long relationship between the San Luis Potosi, Mexico, fire department and the TFD as part of the sister city program. San Luis Potosi became Tulsa’s first sister city in 1980, followed...

Going Atomic

Mateo and Malinda Galindo may not be from Oklahoma, but they’re contributing to the state’s art scene in a major way.  In 2015, the pair founded Atomic Culture, a collaborative curatorial platform that includes exhibitions, events and thematic dinners, to provide a forum for interaction and dialogue. From the jump, Atomic Culture was also made to highlight established and emerging...
The bison, the scissortail flycatcher and the rose rock are some of Oklahoma’s most recognizable state symbols. However, many may not realize that the state has 34 official designations, which range from beverages to astronomical objects.  The Oklahoma legislature is responsible for the designation of these symbols, which pass through a formal legislative process like any other statute. These symbols...
Creating Camaraderie A team on the field needs to be a team off the field, too, so coaches and support staff work to ensure athletes have a sense of camaraderie ‘round the clock.  Don Tomkalski, University of Tulsa’s senior associate athletic director for communications, says that “it starts with recruiting good people and creating a family-type atmosphere within the team framework....
As the weather cools down, festival season truly kicks off in Oklahoma. Focusing on music, culture, food, art, cinema, sports, heritage and everything in between, the offerings are endless.

Colonel Scott Preston 

Col. Scott Preston, the Commander and District Engineer of the Tulsa District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, is the senior military officer and engineer of the district. Along with overseeing more than 700 engineers and professionals, Preston focuses specifically on Civil Works, Military Programs and the Operations of USACE projects and activities for all of Oklahoma, as well as...