Jami Mattox

Tech That Can Help
[dropcap]Sticking[/dropcap] to New Year’s resolutions can be tricky. Sure, the first couple of weeks are easy, with that goal still in your mind. But what...

The Plums CD Release Party
Local rockers The Plums will celebrate the release of its debut CD on Friday at The Shrine, located at 18th and Boston. Five bands will...

Great Companies To Work For
[dropcap]Ask[/dropcap] 100 people what makes a great company, and you’ll get 100 unique answers. Health insurance, paid time off, retirement contributions, a company car –...

Say It In 7 Languages
“Merry Christmas,” “Season’s Greetings” and “Happy Holidays” are uttered this time of year around the world. Impress your holiday guests this year by expressing the...

Letter From The Editor
“They don’t have to match. They blend.” My mother often reminds me of this line, which I uttered when I was a second-grader and attempting...

Follow Park Paw-tiquette
[dropcap]Visiting[/dropcap] the local dog park should be a fun and relaxing adventure for both pup and owner. It’s a great time to socialize and meet...

The High-tech Pet
[dropcap]We[/dropcap] have our smartphones, Apple TV, tablets and Fitbits. It’s time we share our technology glut with our non-human family members. Whistle Activity Monitor $79,...

Cheap Eats
Dining in the city can get expensive. By the time appetizers, entrees, wine or cocktails are ordered and a tip is added, dinner for two...