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A Taste of Culinary History

Claud’s Hamburgers 3834 S. Peoria Ave., Tulsa Claud’s Hamburgers has the distinction of not only being in business for more than 60 years, but also...

Flavors of Summer

[dropcap]With[/dropcap] the Oklahoma weather finally warming, it’s time to focus on the best tastes that summer has to offer: fresh fruit. Whether you visit a...

Stepping Outside of the Box (Office)

[dropcap]Summer[/dropcap] is known as the season of blockbuster movies, but for Oklahomans who are looking for a different experience – whether that comes from a...

Letter From The Editor

[dropcap]Making[/dropcap] a list of historic restaurants in Oklahoma (p. 50) was more of an education than I expected it to be. I’ve been to many...

Norman Music Festival

Thurs, April 21 – Sun April 24 From – The Norman Music Festival, an annual event held in Norman, features over 100 bands on...

ABC’s Nashville Live in Concert

Thurs, April 21 – From – It’s not often that you get to see your favorite television show come to life, which is why...