Asher Gelzer-Govatos

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  • Asher Gelzer-Govatos


Holiday Greats

Around Town If you live near either of Oklahoma’s major metro areas, November presents a good chance to catch a few comedy classics on the...

October’s Best Bets in Cinema

Around Town Oklahoma already has one significant film festival, deadCenter in Oklahoma City, and it hosts a few other niche festivals throughout the year, but...

September’s Best Bets in Cinema

Around Town Chances are good that most reading this have never seen a silent film. Talkies have so dominated the last 85 years of cinema...

August’s Best Bets in Cinema

Around Town Sometimes it seems, with the advent of personal media consumption made possible by the internet, that the art of public movie watching is...

July’s Best Bets in Cinema

Around Town [dropcap]With[/dropcap] school out, summer is the perfect time to develop the passion of any cinephile, young or old, in your life. While sitting...

June’s Best Bets in Cinema

[dropcap]Each[/dropcap] month Oklahoma Magazine highlights exciting Oklahoma film events and gives some guidance on films out on home video and those currently playing in theaters....

May’s Best Bets in Cinema

Each month Oklahoma Magazine highlights exciting Oklahoma film events and gives some guidance on films coming out on home video and those currently playing in...

April’s Best Bets in Cinema

[dropcap]Each[/dropcap] month Oklahoma Magazine highlights exciting Oklahoma film events and gives some guidance on films coming out on home video and those currently playing in...

Recording Progress

[dropcap]In[/dropcap] Muscle Shoals, a recent documentary about the tiny Alabama town that houses two of the most important recording studios in the world, the filmmakers speculate...

Elemental Culture

Encouraged by a friend while in high school, Gregory Jerome began to explore writing hip-hop songs, but always in private. It was not until college...