Logan Mitchell
Riverfield Country Day School
Attending: Howard University
Major: Marketing and minor in accounting
Who has been the biggest influence in your life?
My brother, hands down, has been the biggest influence in my life. His drive, compassion and humor have driven me to be who I am today. Not only has he been a role model and a great brother, but he has also been my best friend.
What do you hope to accomplish while in college? In college I hope to widen my view of the world and meet new people. I hope to not only find myself, but find a career that not only makes me happy but also helps others.
If you could trade places with one person for a day, who would it be?
Sheryl Sandberg. She is the chief operating officer of Facebook, ranked on Fortune’s list of the 50 most powerful women in business and the author of Lean In. I would like to be her for a day because I feel it would be interesting to be in the shoes of someone who has experienced so much.